Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Does money matters.....?

Hello friends. Having to think about what to tell in this new post, i liek to share and know whats the role of money in your current world. As we all know, we are in the transient stage from college to professional life. In this scenario, the only think which we find hard to realise is money. I am not talking about the money which our parents give us to spend and they spend on us for various reasons. This money is about our money. I cannot tell how elated i felt when i earned my first wage for a part time job. The first thing i did was to eat on that wage. And boy! i was surely wonderful. Now I have got to know about the value of money. many says that money do not matter for true happiness. May be true, money is not everything but its surely something. You may find that im kiddish bantering over this topic. Mind you, its not as kiddish as it sounds. Especially for me, who has been toiling without a job, so near on few occasions yet so far, this is really important to wonder about.

For people who go for work, i think by this time they would have realised the value of money. For the rest, they will as the time passes. Money matters and it depends on its degree on the perception of the person. Its only one question, "by how much?" tp be asked. I belive that as we have moved into a different league money management is very important. If you have any thoughts or comments or opinions about this post please feel free to post it or mail me.

Note: Uninterested people need not bother about this blog and need not ask why i started to blog in the first place. I am blogging just to drain my thoughts. If anyone is having problem with that, I have just two words to say...

1 comment:

Prathiba Venkatesan said...

of corse riaz i agree with u money does matter but more important is that why does it matter.maybe to get our loved one, maybeto save for our children, maybe to show of our financial success to all others and maybe a lot of other is just a commodity, a means to get what we wnat Its the end that matters nto the means.ofcouse its imp, but not soo much as success, fame, love,life, and lot more.
p.s.odnt bother about people who read ur blog.afterall its ur own blog.if anybody has to say anything, it will be in their blog not don't bother.