Wednesday, August 17, 2011


  • Tried unsuccessfully to fit my 27 years of existence in 2 bags. Said to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this..."
  • Bid a final goodbye to my erstwhile home. Said to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this..."
  • Walked away from the airport visitors counter to a place after which I would be so far away from my dear parents and friends. Said to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this..."
  • Boarded the plane with a very heavy heart for a long journey. Said to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this..."
  • Called home after landing in Franfurt, asked whats for dinner, only to realize that I won't be there. Said to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this."
  • Landed in Atlanta Airport. Waiting for the bags to come on the belts, and after getting them, momentarily waited subconsciously to check whether there is anyone for company. Realized that I am all alone, walked towards a shuttle to Athens, saying to myself, "I can't believe I am doing this..."
  •  Moved into my apartment, my empty apartment, and slept on the carpet floor amidst bugs and roaches. Said to myself, "Can't believe I am doing this...". (Bought a sleeping bag immediately)
There are a few other things here that cannot be mentioned...but the last two weeks in my life I have been doing certain things that I never thought I would in my lifetime. This new life is scary, exciting, interesting, fast, lonely -- all at the same time. The only thing I keep hoping is that my time away from family and friends is compensated by the experiences I have here. Thankfully, so far, everything has been more than adequate compensated BUT I still miss you mom, dad, and my dear friends. I'll see you soon....