Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Bye Bye 2014

The year is coming to an end and I thought it would be a good time to reminisce. On a personal front, year 2014 has been enlightening to say the least. After a big move, physically and professionally, I got to learn a lot of things about myself, and as a side-effect, those around me. A sort of ...introspection.. through the eyes of others. And unlike a few times in the past, I think that I have come out of this year a better man than I entered. And hey, I managed to lose 9 kg to get back to my pre-MBA days, so thats something on a positive note.

Talking about the world in general, 2014 is a crap year. I mean...an absolute crap year for everyone involved. To quote South Park, "..I learned something today.."  That no one in this world gives a damn about what you think unless what you think and feel affects them. A plane of 300+ people get shot down on a politically motivated agenda and no one has the balls to come forward with concrete evidence about the culprits and bring them to justice. And please don't tell me that in this day and age of espionage and spying, no one got any clue as to who brought the plane down. Western Europe won't push because hey..oil is involved! Hard to swallow, but money and power is everything in this mortal world.

So it's up to you to take control of who you are and do what's right for you. Of course, don't be the neanderthal asshole like the IS folks, they wouldn't know or understand god if he comes and bites in their asses. We have become too politically correct and even seem to ask permission from our own shadow to call a spade a spade. I mean, grow some fucking balls. (Not sure whats the feminine equivalent of this phrase, grow some boobs?)

And I know that 2015 will be worse in terms of world's well being than in 2014. And I for one, have made up my mind to get to know the best of the world until we all are infected by the global parasites of political correctness, terrorism, racism and other -isms.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Life is Alright

I feel a blog post was due for a long time. I have just been moving into other direction, emotionally, compared to my usual self when I am thinking of writing a blog. I had to take a very important life and career decision to leave USA and to move to Germany (why Germany, plenty of reasons, probably in an another post). If you had managed to read my earlier posts, you might get that how much it meant for me when finally I was able to go USA for MBA. So to leave all that, all my friends here, and move to a country that doesn't speak English as first language, with no access to Netflix and college football, and no Five Guys burger and every other super-size concept, well it was definitely not easy. I decided on the move in February and I am surprised as to how much time I gave to think about it. It's probably what one calls "a decision made in an heart beat." One question I asked myself is, "will I get to do anything like this in the future." When the answer to it was a resounding "NO", I just decided to make the move. Should mention, the Government and people here sure made me feel welcomed.

It is definitely a good experience, the higher cost of living here definitely has made (or I should say, is making ) me a better money manager. Now am just looking forward to what Germany and rest of the Europe got to offer. Ever since my MBA got over, I feel like there is now no "hard" target to lookout for. I mean, yeah, I have money target, but for some weird reason, having more money just didn't make me feel fulfilled. It made me feel happy and accomplished but I seem to have found fulfillment in very strange things!

Right now I am trying to get settled into a routine and rhythm, and accustomed to language and culture. It is different from USA, and I think I am happy for that. But don't get me wrong, I definitely miss a lot of things in/about USA. (and yes, Chennai too, but that goes without saying). In my last post, I talked about how 2013 has been a year of milestones for me. Now I think I just work towards making every year a milestone year for some good reason. Already have a couple for 2014: moved to an European country AND got an European drivers license (and now your truly can drive in almost any EU country...to think just 3 years back I didn't even have an Indian driver's license!!). There just might be a mother-of-all-milestones milestone event soon, so keep checking out!