It was decided peremptorily that the get-together was on sunday 9th. I didn't give much thought about the day, after all its just an another sunday. It happend to be that the sunday wasn't just a normal. Vinayakar idols was supposed to be taken on that day for immersion. I have my reasons to worry friends. I witnessed riots during the prcession during the previous years, two times exactly at Ramkumar's home and once near my home! I think most of you would not have known that the route was changed after those incidents and its only in the last two years, the route has been reverted. So much for sunday!
Anyway, let's come the gettogether. It was indeed a pleasant experience to see the faces of friends. I just can't belive that its been already three months since our college got over. Man!...time flies. I had a great hardship to find the place, which according to many, was ostentatiously visible. My foot! Even though I have been at ice house near marina for 21 years, I never expected to be near that landmark! Yeah it was fine in the end. But definitely not a good place for the love birds. I wonder why we have never been to that place!
I really expected a good count, atleast a decent count. I would say, not many turned up. Of course, no get together is same without mutharasu and rangasayee...who sadly are having great time at Arizona and Kansas respectively. Damn u ppl! But yeah, I think only 15 turned up and only three girls. I think still there is demarcation between boys and girls. You know what, I expected those who were free would turn up in great numbers. Actually it was other way around. I find most of us who had turned up had been going to office.
This may not be a good advice, but I would like you people to have a little time for the past too. We would never back our college days albeit wasn't soo "college." Nevertheless, we have to cherish these moments. I really dunno how man people will turn up the next time when we have one like this, if we could even have one! I just hope that I am with u all to do "total damage"
Not to end this blog on sad note...after the beach me, kanagaraj,cd, bv,suman,kaks & laks went to planet ymm at spencer plaza. And...needless to say...we had a blast...if any police was around that time, i wont have been able to write this blog today! And yeah, I wish all the best for kannan and kanagraj in advance for their sojourn at USA. Dun be like muthu and sayee dudes. Find a girl IMMEDIATELY when u go there!