Sunday, September 18, 2005

My infosys Experience

I gave my infosys exam today morning, that is on 18th. There was a good crowd, around 1000+ at the St.Micheal's academy. The school was too good. I felt like everyone except me was having a last time revision. My exam started at 10. First paper ws the puzzle one. I didnt prepare well at all for infosys. I never concentrated on puzzles and such descriptive questions as they were different from the CAT format. And i didnt prepare well in the past five week either. Those who had gone through the previous papers of infosys would have been selected.And I think they were in the 108 infy selected for the HR interview. I didnt make it through...feeling really bad and let down...I relly dunno why...I have an offer from a better company...but u know...still...infosys has been dream company...ever since i knew anything abt was a mentor...i thought i ud clear it...fuck shit..i shud have prepared really well..the questions were from different reasoning and analytical reasoning...descriptive format is different...i didnt finish the three books(unofficial infosys text books!) completely. I didnt go thrugh the previous question papers comprehensively...and yes...luck didnt happen coz I wasnt prepared when the opportunity came. too bad na..and was not His wish too.
Anyway, its not that I am never gonna get into a I wont...but definitely one a better position...I would get through...

"I have not failed, I have just found out 17000 ways in which it wont work" - Thomas Alva Edison

1 comment:

Pradeep Chaitanya said...

Dont you worry bro,

I joined infy almost the same time you have luckily escaped it. Its not even worth trying.

Lemme tell you, please thank god and the HR who empathised an rejected you that you are not bad enough for this company.

Hope you are having a great career there!