Saturday, September 10, 2005


I was on cloud number nine when i heard that dulcet! "Congratulations Riaz, Yo have been selected, welcome to TCS." I have run out of adjectives to describe the feeling hence I resorted to the above idiom. I indeed shared my experience about the recruitment process in the previous blog. This one is different. I cannot describe my feelings when I got my first offer letter. Well, its not my actual first offer letter the first one was the "coveted" Net vision.But realllly i dun regard that as my offer(not meant to offend others, this is purely my perspective). In my arrogant opinion, I am not supposed to end up at call centre, that too out-bound....please!!

I posted how I felt, what I should have to do, and what indeed happened, in my previous blogs. Now, today I got the result of my medical examination and I am declared fit, to be in TCS, physically. I dunno what to say now!...i am like..I cant express this feeling. Those who already have got the job, may be you will understand my feeling. I feel my hard work has paid off, and to get into the stature of TCS is awesome. Many feel that this TCS process was very simple and lotts (1112) got into it. I am glad that I am among that 1112 and not the rest who didnt make it.

Now the real test starts. What I do in the first two to three years will define my future. I have great, great and very great aspirations for my future. Unlike previous times, let me achieve that AND THEN share it with you. I really dunno how to take this transition, I am clueless. But yeah, I know, I will "evolve" to adapt to the "environment." This blog may not sound coherent to u, not at all. Infact I have not prepared anything, what ur seeing my thought flow described in words. I promise my next blog to be meaningful and based on some issue! So please please please bear(my happiness) with me. So till next time..

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