Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A place to whine!

At last, now I have some time to sit back and reflect upon myself,what exactly happened in my life and what I expected to happen in my life. It would be really funny and ass*@#@# if I tell you what I want in my life some 1 yr back is not the same what I want now.

You know people, I got into a good company and underwent a training over there. That training has changed my entire life. I was completely transformed. I was in a dreamland. Well, the people over there were awesome. Right from the first day, we clicked just like that. It was as if like God has chosen the best thiry people in the world and has put in my batch. It was totally awesome. I was not myself. I tell you, I am really boring. I whine, complain, act stupidly ..well almost most of the
times. But there...I became a completely different person. But after two months the time came, where each one of us has to go to their hometowns, base branches. I never expected I would cry for leaving them, the training. I actually did, infact I have never cried like that in my entire life.

All those moments and the atmosphere at my home town made me to take an hasty decision. I quit that job and joined in another company for a decent offer. Now...everything is not what I expected. If you could go back and read the first para you could understand what I meant. You know what, no matter how many advices we get, we wont learn unless it actually happens and we experience it ourselves, And when that happens, especially sucky things, life can be really ...well @#$#@#$&. This
blog may not make any sense to you all, but I dunno where to dump all the things I have inside me. And what is better than a computer, which listens to all the crap I say...all the time.
p.s: will let u people knw if anything good(duhh...) happens...and yeah i forgot to mention one thing abt me. I expect a lot from my life!

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