Thursday, December 06, 2007

Analysis of an issue - Good vs Bad employee ?

Analysis of an issue

"The most important quality in an employee is not educational background or job proficiency; instead, the desire to be a part of a team separates a good employee from a bad employee."

A good employee is expected to have the right mix of education and interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills are as important as the educational qualifications. However, interpersonal should not be taken as a lone factor in determining if an employee is good or bad. The important quality of an employee is how he optimizes his available skill set to add value to his employer's business.
Every employee starts afresh at some point in their career. As they progress through their career, they learn through experience. This experience adds value and polish the skills of the employee. The success of every employee is measure on the value he adds to the business of his employer over his tenure. Being academically strong or having good interpersonal skills alone wont be sufficient to bring out the result. The employee should be dynamic, motivated and be alert to the changes. To have these qualities one should be adept in learning from one's past experience. Right mix of academic and vocational skills helps an employee to achieve it. The importance of a skill may differ from job to job. An employee of aero science or nuclear science will be expected to be more proficient in his academic than his interpersonal skills. May be marketing managers should be more adept with his interpersonal skills than his academic credentials.
The employee should be able to look inside himself to identify the qualities he has, accept his weakness and try to optimize his skill sets so that he could be more productive. This quality of learning from the past successes and mistakes would be an important quality that would help him to sustain throughout his career as a good employee.

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