Thursday, December 06, 2007

Analysis of an Issue - Personal diet

Analysis of an Issue

"Responsibility for eating healthy food belongs to each individual person, not to the government."

While it is true that regulating the food policy of its state belongs to the goverment, the responsibility of eating healthy food belongs to the individual person.
The onus is on the goverment to make its citizen aware of the proper and healthy eating habits. It can recommend the possible combination of nutrition and can promote them through ad awareness campaign. I believe that the responsibility of the goverment ends if it has spent adequate time, money and resource to promote and encourage healthy food habits. From then on, its up to the individual to choose his eating habits. Govermenet should not try to spoon feed to its citizens. If it does so, it would be infringing on their personal freedom of choice.
Having said that, there may be some people who would actually require guidance for proper eating habits. A few of them may include but not limited to orphans, new born babies, single mothers, prison inmates and metally disabled. For them, the goverment can very well take the mantle of providing proper guidance to food habits. But as a whole, its the responsibilty of an individual to take care of his diet.

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