Were you at IIT M for this saarang? Dun tell me you weren't there, because you missed a great time of fun and frolick (or frocks!?? I am not sure :D)
I had absolutely no idea to be at saarang because of my extra-tight schedule at office (Deadlines deadlines!!). But no, my fairy godmother had different ideas altogether. I made Zaheer (the one at the right extreme) to go to IIT to atleast even try to get one ticket for the Sonu Niigaam (yeah, numerology!! et tu sonu?!) and Benny Dayal show on 23rd Jan. He wasn't able to get one, so he told me he decided to come to home! wtf!! I can't give up just like that! We have been visiting saarag for the past 4 years, and I am definitely not gonna miss Sonu's show! Anyway, I told him that I am almost there, and we could go back once I come to IIT.
Meanwhile, Ramkumar (2nd from left) along with his friend Madahavan(next to him) also came to IIT on Zaheer's request. So there were we, four guys longing to get into the OAT to catch a glipse of the rocking atmosphere. As luck would have it, there were few guys who decided to sell their tickets as they were already an hour late. But they were selling 300rs ticket at 400! After some hard-ball bargaining from Zaheer and Ram, we found ourselves with four tickets for just 200rs a piece! Do I even have to tell what happened after that! Btw, we look really subdued in the picture, that was AFTER all the rocks and rolls!!!
Btw, can you guess who I am???