Monday, January 10, 2005

why does love hurt

I have always wondered about this phenomenon which cannot be explained by neither physics nor chemistry. Also i'm sure that the logic king Aristotle or mathematics genius Gauss can explain this. But this is one of the most prevailing symptom in the world. Well, I myslef not an expert in this could offer any detailed explanation. But i would like to express my opinion...i think
would be a better word to use. Its known that when we miss someone dearly we feel bad. Now why do we feel bad? because we miss them. But is this feeling same towards all the people we know? There are some
special person(s)
for whom we rserve this feeling. Why does that happen. It is a human nature to be selective. We would like to have only the best tyhing possible, if we can get it. Now when we get something special which we have always wanted, we admire it, we treasure it, we take care of it and we boast about it. Now we cannot compare a thing with a person...but i belive these are the so called "basic qualifications". That thing ud have become a integral part of our life so that we expect that to be present everytime. In this scenario a business student might find fault with our process. He is sure to put the question..."where is plan B man??". Can't blame him, we dun have any plan B. The thing is it happens so unexpectedly that we never ever thought something could happen to our dear ones. And it is well known that the impact is more when we are unprepared for the situation, either happy or sorrow. Well, the problem is...we cannot be prepared. It is one of the few times where we show we are humans. Not in the literary sense though...when we miss pur dear ones...we "miss" them so much...that the place occupied by them will be hollow and it will seem that nuthing could fill that. Many are there, who like to put the next best thing in that hollow space to contend themselves, but there are few...who like to cherish that space...however big it may be ever long it may be.

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