Pepere peeee. Pepepepepepe peeee. For the 50th post anniversary, 21st century Ox presents the first India Jones’ adventure.
0200 hours. Chennai, Tamilnadu.
The sudden sound of rock solo alarm put Jones out of his sleep. He was still not sure about his mission. He has never attempted like this before. He gave a long hard thought about it and decided it had to be done. For the sake of riazinity. He packed his back pack with a pair of dress for change, men’s essentials, a torch, towels and lot of money. With nothing to eat, he drank some water, and without making a noise, he moved down to start his bike. The engine roared, driving away the dogs and waking the platform warmers. He then picked up his fellow trekker and started for koyembedu for the rendezvous. He parked his bike in C.M.B.T and hopped in a car to head to Nagalapuaram, Andhra. It was a pleasant drive. In his job, he always knew that there is always a lull before the storm. This day is going to be no different.
0810 hours. Nagala, Andhra.
A voice inside in his head kept on saying, “travel light.” Oh wait, that was Peter, Captain CTC. So, Jones left majority of the stuff in backpack, save the torch, in the car itself. It mission such as these, it is imperative to stay under cover. He thought of fixing a mole onto his cheek. But not wanting to look like a dufus, he decided to go with a cap and a pair of sun glasses. Sleek move Jones, sleek.
After the group photo sessions, Jones started off to conquer the first hill. The trial was full of dense bushes and thorns. After 15 minute walk, the bush cleared and he was able to see the hill. It didn’t look ominous at first, but looks can be deceptive. After another 30 minute of walking and climbing, Jones arrived at the first rest point, a natural water bed. It was a beautiful sight with mountain water making a cute cascade out of the hill. Others freshened up themselves by dipping into water, swimming and diving. Initially Jones decided to stay dry, but with no anti-incense serum, he was running out of options. The water was treacherous. In five steps, he slipped 8 times. After a crane dip, he dragged himself out of the water. Mission accomplished. “Move ON.” That was Peter. Mission not-yet-accomplished.
0920 hours.
Jones followed the rest of Peter’s entourage in search of the next water bed. An obstacle on the way: a small vertical hill. Jones broke into a sweat. He hasn’t done that before, heck not even imagined it. He first climbed over a little rock formation, moved into the middle and then moved horizontally for about 6-8 yards and then the final descent over a 90 degree angle. He decided to pat his back for the achievement. Oh what the hell, he can’t move his hand over his shoulder. Occupational hazards.
After a looooooooong walk amidst rocks, thorns, bushes and heavy breathing, the group stopped for lunch. Maggi. Jones would have preferred a buffet lunch with unlimited appalams. But a skilled adventurer got to make use of the best of the available resources. After four servings, his appetite has somewhat subdued. Not wanting to perform nature call out in nature later, he half heartedly refused the fifth serving. After lunch, Peter gave us two ultimatums: go back, or climb the hill to see the water source and then go back. Jones decided to go democratic and asked the opinion of his body organs. The verdict was unanimous. “STAY you jackass.“
1420 hours.
Jones and a small group of people decided to go back to the base camp. His numb legs made many mistakes initially and he had to fall down three to four times. He may have, but his spirit didn’t. With new found determination (of going home! Mummy!!!!), he took calm and steady steps towards the second pool. We he thought he was moving faster than ever, Peter and rest of the group passed by after finishing their ascent. So much for moving fast!
1710 hours.
Jones was at the first pool. He looked down at people who were climbing down the hill. “Climb down??” he thought. “You got to be kidding me!” After failing to find inspiration to climb down, he decided to use his last resort, his secret weapon. “Just beat it…just beat it.” Singing it within his mind, he climbed till half way when he didn’t know how to move further. “Just beat…aah screw it…”, and he called up Dinesh who was down. “Can you help me?” Dinesh came up and give the places where to find notches to keep the feet. With his directions, Jones steadily moved again. For the last hurdle, he had to jump barefoot in knee deep water full of rocks. He did. That he wasn’t able to walk properly for 2 days after that is a whole different story.

2100 hours.
Jones was in the car, trying to sleep. But he was too tired to sleep. He just wanted to go home and take a bubble bath. Wait, he doesn’t have a tub in his home. Ah well, I think he just wants to dip his legs into hot water. But that was not to be for another 1 hour, as he and the rest of the gang had to wait for Peter who had gone on reconnaissance. No man left behind. The cars started after everyone had come back. On the way, they all stopped for a quick meal. It was not no quick in the end as people started to order omlette, half boil, full-boiled, cran, fish, chicken and kingfisher :D. Jones and his fellow trekker got out at C.M.B.T and then after dropping the trekker, he went to his sweet home.
0200 hours.
Jones tried to look back at his day. Oh wait, what was it? Ah, sleep. Thinking can wait. As usual.
---------------------------------THE END-----------------------------------------
Starring (in the order of appearance)
India Jones – Me
And others as others.